Combining Precision and Compassion
Small Animal Specialist Surgeon
Senior Associate Veterinarian

Dr Benjamin Landon
BVSc FANZCVS (Small Animal Surgery)
Small Animal Specialist Surgeon | Director
Dr Landon is an Australian Registered Small Animal Specialist Surgeon with a keen interest in orthopaedic, soft tissue, neurologically and minimally invasive surgery.
Dr Landon graduated from the University of Sydney 1994. Dr Landon began the early part of his career practicing at an emergency hospital. He then gained a position as a Resident in Small Animal Surgery at the University of Melbourne. During his time at University of Melbourne, Dr Landon published on portosystemic shunts in dogs and skin reconstructive techniques. After being awarded a Fellowship in Small Animal Surgery by the College of Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists, he was offered a position as Staff Specialist Surgeon at the Teaching Hospital at the University of Sydney, before being promoted to Senior Lecturer shortly after. Dr Landon continued with his full surgical caseload while taking on his new lecturing duties.
Dr Landon enjoys all aspects of surgery and has always been popular with his patients and clients due to his patient and caring personality. He is a thorough clinician and a very well-rounded surgeon.
When he is at home, he is dad to three children, a little terrier cross and a very round friendly ginger cat. He enjoys music by Ennio Morricone, ACDC and the blues. When he gets to a piano, he would normally belt out some piano rags.
Newman M & Landon BP (2014) Surgical treatment of a duplicated
and ectopic ureter in a dog. J Small Anim Pract 55(9) 475-8.
Milne SM, McCowan C, Landon BP (2010). Spontaneous feline pneumothorax caused by ruptured pulmonary bullae associated with possible bronchopulmonary dysaplasia. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 46: 138 – 142
Landon BP, Abraham LA, Charles JA (2008) Use of transcolonic portal scintigraphy to evaluate efficacy of cellophane banding of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in 16 dogs. Aust Vet J 86(5): 169 – 179.
Landon BP, Abraham LA, Charles JA, Edwards GA (2007) Recurrent rectal prolapse caused by colonic duplication in a dog. Aust Vet J 85(9): 381 – 385.
Yates G, Landon BP, Edwards G (2007) Investigation and clinical application of a novel axial pattern flap for nasal and facial reconstruction in the dog. Aust Vet J 85(3): 113 – 118.
Bennett SL, Milne SM, Slocombe RF, Landon BP (2007) Gallbladder mucocoele and concurrent hepatic lipidosis in a cat. Aust Vet J 85(10): 397 – 400.
Landon BP (2005). Tetraparesis in a dog due to a migrating oropharyngeal needle. Aust Vet Practit 35:106.
Tyrell D, Landon BP, Beck C (2005). Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of suspected Plant Material Foreign Bodies in Eight Dogs. Aust Vet Practit 35:52.
Dr Adoncia Thian
BSc BVMS (Murdoch)
Senior Associate Veterinarian | Director

Dr Thian trained at Murdoch University, Western Australia and graduated in 2002. She practised in Singapore before embarking on a rotational internship at the University of Melbourne for another two years, gaining considerable experience with specialists in surgery, anaesthesia, medicine and intensive care. Dr Thian went on to work in private practice in Melbourne and then in a busy multi-vet practice in Sydney where she was the internal referral general surgeon.
Her role at LVS is mainly in practice management and taking care of staff welfare. She truly believes that a happy team gives the best care to the patients. Her clinical role is in tailoring anaesthesia plans for each patient that come through for procedures, so that there is minimal anxiety for the patient before, during and after procedures.
Dr Thian has an awesome terrier, who has travelled across Australia with her and then finally to Singapore. She is full-time mum on weekends and when she gets time, loves reading anything by Neil Gaiman, Tony Parsons, Mary Roach and Atul Gawande and listening to jazz and anything Tchaiskovsky.
A Thian, AJ Woodgyer, SA Holloway (2008) Dysgonic strain of Microsporum canis pseudomycetoma in a Domestic Long-hair cat Aust Vet J
Alma Victoria BSc Nursing
Senior Veterinary Nurse
Alma qualified as a human nurse in 2006. She transitioned to veterinary nursing when she was offered to work in a large vet hospital and is immensely experienced. In her own words, ‘The principles are the same, whether it is human or vet nursing. Humans and animals all need the same high level of care.’
Alma’s caring and gentle nature always puts even our most anxious and upset patients at ease. Her patient handling skills are unsurpassable, and the team can always rely on her to calm our patients down.
Family is extremely important to her. Alma spends most of her weekends with her large family and loves reading.

Atom Tan Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Surgical)
Senior Veterinary Nurse
Atom is highly qualified and has been nursing since 2000. She has practiced in both Singapore and Hong Kong in extremely busy establishments.
Surgical nursing has always been Atom’s area of interest. She is extremely compassionate when it comes to patient care and you can always find her chatting away with animals under her care.
Atom is an avid angler, enjoys the great outdoors and spending time with her family and friends.

Hannah Tan BSc Animal Science, Dip Vet Tech
Senior Veterinary Nurse
Hannah has been in practice for over 10 years, with experience in both large and small animal clinical settings, in the U.S. and Singapore. Hannah provides steady support in the operating theatre, and quality care for our patients. Hannah’s laughter and humour often keeps her team members in stitches. She is the friendly face you will often see in consults with Dr Landon.
In her free time, Hannah enjoys spending time with her family and dogs, as well as venturing on nature walks.

Jaime Kwok
Jaime is the friendly and reassuring face and voice of our clinic. She grew up with pets ranging from terrapins, goldfishes, hamsters, budgies, rabbits, cats to dogs. Jaime worked in the banking sector for many years but her heart finally veered towards her true love of animal care.
She enjoys spending time with her family and she relaxes by wandering through supermarket aisles.